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About Us

Thank you for visiting the web-page for B Z Plumbing Company, Inc. Our office is located in Lincoln, CA. Our roots run deep in the Sacramento Valley, where many of our employees were born and raised. I started the company in 1990, working out of my home. I was fortunate enough to have great mentors that not only helped hone my plumbing skills, but also helped me to learn to be a business man.

Employee safety and retention are a main priority for our company. I feel the satisfaction of the employees reflect on the work performed. The houses we plumb are our next door neighbors so QUALITY matters! My initials are on the front door so all work done is a direct reflection of me. All of our employees are treated as extended family and it is a joy to see the family grow each year. I have several employees that have been with the company for more than 20 years. All of our employees undergo regular training for safe practices which we incorporate into several team building events held throughout the year.

I feel our best advertising is word of mouth, which comes from great relationships. I encourage all employees to be respectful not only with words, but with their actions. We strive to be better than any other plumber no matter if it’s new residential tract plumbing, service, fire sprinklers or repipes. We try to be active in our community and support many fundraisers throughout the year. Our vendors are a valuable partner where we work diligently to obtain the best pricing and product availability. Our goal is to deliver the best, quality service at a fair price.

Thank You,
Bill Zmrzel
President, B Z Plumbing Company, Inc.


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1901 Aviation Blvd
Lincoln, CA 95648

Contractors License CA # 577219 /
NV # 0071510


(916) 645-1600

[email protected]



1901 Aviation Blvd
Lincoln, CA 95648

Contractors License CA # 577219 /
NV # 0071510


(916) 645-1600

[email protected]


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